+852 2859 3999
20A, 20th FloorMicrosoftComtech
Building,55 Gaoxin South 9th Road *
+614 5810 3581
189 Adelaide TerraceEast
PerthWA 6004Australia
Disorientated as the you think the surrounding objects are moving when they are not. The music depicts a hypnotic series of spirals rotating in space overlaid with uncanny objects that rotates in tandem: endless circles of thirds, major and minor, interspersed with shuddering dissonances.
Floating on a wave of sound. What would it be like if you can float in space? A notion floating, detached from context as you move away from your existing space into a realm of weightlessness.
Inspired by the Bot: machine-transient in a landscape. A journey into space, interior space, digital space and into nothingness. It is the dimension of absence that is to be found. A space where you close your eyes you experience the layering of sound transcending from the space into your body.
The title track Superimposition a collage of sounds exemplifying what the album is about. The track builds up and layering sounds superimposed on one another that resonates sounds filling a space with a composed series tectonic rhythm amalgamated together creating a composition of epic proportions.
Here we mimic a gateway, a journey, a movement, from one space to another. A notion of motion, a motion involving tectonic components transcending to a sense of floating.
Objects usually can’t express themselves, but in this digital world, objects can come alive change and replicate. Taking this idea to another level, we experimented the metamorphosis of music as “Unfold” tells the story of a morphing object unfolding and changing. As the object slowly unfolds, it creates a different perception in terms of proportion, size and shape.
Folium is like being in a dream state and the movement of brain cells in the cerebellum of the brain as the body relaxes. As the move from your conscious state into a dream like sensation, the ambient sound depicts the journey of your mind as into deep sleep.
DNA was inspired by the concept of evolution as we all started life as an amoeba. As we journey into land, mixing and evolving into the world our DNA evolves into a complex evolution to who we are today. DNA mixes sounds of wildlife in nature with futuristic tectonic sounds to express our ever-evolving progression.
Anything probable, as we journey closer to the future. Uncertain of what the future unfolds, we move towards it with a sense of optimism. Using a rhythmic progressive beat, we created an energetic feud of collective sounds to replicate our race towards an unknow technological focused future.
Spline is a key or mechanism in a space allowing movement. A spark of energy delineating by the synergy between tidal flats and landform. The organic flow slowly forming a new world each time the tide goes out. Spline combines sounds of digital landscape mimicking connotations marine movement emerging and sculpting landform.
Rain rendered landscape; the rain becomes a part of space and when it stops, is when the body of water meanders trough the landscape rippling and forming objects within the space. Ripples tries to document this transition in sound accentuating the journey of water on a landscape.
We wanted to create a sense of revealing something new to the world. Rethink is about the exploration of possibilities, an invitation to penetrate an idea and determining your own parameters of behaviour.
Roate your device.