M3 exhibition roadshow finally begins in Hangzhou. An art installation designed by QUAD in collaboration with Keith Lam and Dimension Plus.

M3 Beyond Territories through the exhibition connect local, Mainland and international design institutes, breaking down geographical barriers, and facilitating interaction with the “City” as the common ground for various parties to discuss the blueprints for our bright future. One roving exhibition, Three time periods, Four Cities. We reflect on the past, contemplate our present and explore the future.

Mirror Mirror connects human and object, bridges multi dimensions. Electronics Medium places and shuffles human between virtual and reality just in a fingertip, travels along dimensions with no limitation of time and boundaries. “Landscape is the Massage” digitize Hong Kong cityscape, and reshape it into a dynamic and liquid dimension, immerse audience into an ever-changing multidimensional Hong Kong just like the universe of ever-morphing electronics medium.

The exhibition will travel to Beijing, New York and finally Hong Kong in December.
More Content coming soon…..
Read more about Mirror Mirror: https://www.thequadstudio.com/article/282